Create the property iterator structure. The target entry is defined by entryRef.
If a propertyName is specified, only property instances having the specified name
are returned. If propertyName == nil, all properties are returned.
FUNCTION RegCreatePropertyIterator(transaction: RegTransaction; {CONST}VAR entryRef: RegEntryRef; propertyName: ConstCStringPtr; VAR iterator: RegPropertyIterator): OSStatus; C;
{ Dispose Property Iterator }
FUNCTION RegDisposePropertyIterator(iterator: RegPropertyIterator): OSStatus; C;
Iterate Properites
Iterate and return properties for given entry. If a propertyName was specified
when the iterator was created, then only property instances for that name are
returned. Otherwise, all properties are returned. The return value in
propertyInstance will be kRegNilPropertyInstance if the property is single
instance. Else it will contain the instance value for the property. If
changed == true, one or more changes (property creates or deletes) occured since the
last iterate call. When OSStatus == nrIterationDone, all properties have been exhausted.
FUNCTION RegIterateProperties(transaction: RegTransaction; iterator: RegPropertyIterator; foundProperty: CStringPtr; VAR propertyInstance: RegPropertyInstance; VAR changed: BOOLEAN): OSStatus; C;
Restart Property Iteration
Used to re-iterate over a list of properties. The Property Iterator is reset to
the beginning of the list of properties for an entry.
FUNCTION RegRestartPropertyIteration(iterator: RegPropertyIterator): OSStatus; C;
// Modifiers describe special characteristics of names
// and properties. Modifiers might be supported for
// some names and not others.
// Device Drivers should not rely on functionality
// specified as a modifier.
RegModifiers = UInt32;
RegEntryModifiers = RegModifiers;
RegPropertyModifiers = RegModifiers;
kRegNoModifiers = $00000000; { no entry modifiers in place }
kRegUniversalModifierMask = $0000FFFF; { mods to all entries }
kRegNameSpaceModifierMask = $00FF0000; { mods to all entries within namespace }
kRegModifierMask = $FF000000; { mods to just this entry }
{ Universal Property Modifiers }
kRegPropertyValueIsSavedToNVRAM = $00000020; { property is non-volatile (saved in NVRAM) }
kRegPropertyValueIsSavedToDisk = $00000040; { property is non-volatile (saved on disk) }
// The Registry API
// Entry Management
* EntryID handling
* Initialize an EntryID to a known invalid state
* note: invalid != uninitialized
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIDInit(VAR id: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
* Compare EntryID's for equality or if invalid
* If a NULL value is given for either id1 or id2, the other id
* is compared with an invalid ID. If both are NULL, the id's
* are consided equal (result = true).
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIDCompare({CONST}VAR id1: RegEntryID; {CONST}VAR id2: RegEntryID): BOOLEAN; C;
* Copy an EntryID
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIDCopy({CONST}VAR src: RegEntryID; VAR dst: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
* Free an ID so it can be reused.
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIDDispose(VAR id: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
* Adding and removing entries
* If (parentEntry) is NULL, the name is assumed
* to be a rooted path. It is rooted to an anonymous, unnamed root.
FUNCTION RegistryCStrEntryCreate({CONST}VAR parentEntry: RegEntryID; {CONST}VAR name: RegCStrPathName; VAR newEntry: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION RegistryEntryDelete({CONST}VAR id: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
RegEntryIter = ^LONGINT;
* create/dispose the iterator structure
* defaults to root with relationship = kRegIterDescendants
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIterateCreate(VAR cookie: RegEntryIter): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIterateDispose(VAR cookie: RegEntryIter): OSStatus; C;
* set Entry Iterator to specified entry
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIterateSet(VAR cookie: RegEntryIter; {CONST}VAR startEntryID: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
* Return each value of the iteration
* return entries related to the current entry
* with the specified relationship
FUNCTION RegistryEntryIterate(VAR cookie: RegEntryIter; relationship: RegEntryIterationOp; VAR foundEntry: RegEntryID; VAR done: BOOLEAN): OSStatus; C;
* return entries with the specified property
* A NULL RegPropertyValue pointer will return an
* entry with the property containing any value.
FUNCTION RegistryEntrySearch(VAR cookie: RegEntryIter; relationship: RegEntryIterationOp; VAR foundEntry: RegEntryID; VAR done: BOOLEAN; {CONST}VAR propertyName: RegPropertyName; propertyValue: UNIV Ptr; propertySize: RegPropertyValueSize): OSStatus; C;
* Find a name in the namespace
* This is the fast lookup mechanism.
* NOTE: A reverse lookup mechanism
* has not been provided because
* some name services may not
* provide a fast, general reverse
* lookup.
FUNCTION RegistryCStrEntryLookup({CONST}VAR searchPointID: RegEntryID; {CONST}VAR pathName: RegCStrPathName; VAR foundEntry: RegEntryID): OSStatus; C;
* Convert an entry to a rooted name string
* A utility routine to turn an Entry ID
* back into a name string.
FUNCTION RegistryEntryToPathSize({CONST}VAR entryID: RegEntryID; VAR pathSize: RegPathNameSize): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION RegistryCStrEntryToPath({CONST}VAR entryID: RegEntryID; VAR pathName: RegCStrPathName; pathSize: RegPathNameSize): OSStatus; C;
* Parse a path name.
* Retrieve the last component of the path, and
* return a spec for the parent.
FUNCTION RegistryCStrEntryToName({CONST}VAR entryID: RegEntryID; VAR parentEntry: RegEntryID; VAR nameComponent: RegCStrEntryName; VAR done: BOOLEAN): OSStatus; C;